Senators back $650 million bill for prostate cancer efforts

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) introduced the PRIME (Prostate Research, Imaging, and Men's Education) Act late last month, which she and Sens. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and prostate cancer survivor John Kerry (D-Mass.) cosponsored. The bill calls for $650 million for prostate imaging research and education.

PRIME calls for development of "innovative advanced imaging technologies for prostate cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment," in addition to improvements in blood screening tests and a public awareness drive. If the bill is passed, the money would be distributed in $130 million installments over five years.

"This much-needed legislation mirrors the investment the Federal government made years back in advanced imaging technologies for detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer," Boxer said. "We all know that investment in technology has saved many lives."

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