February 2021

Providers ordering high-cost imaging see appropriateness scores rise with widely-used support tool
The Path to Digital Pathology: IT-enabling Image and Report Access across the Enterprise
Cigna urges court to toss radiology provider's lawsuit over $400K in COVID-19 services
Radiologists can help stop domestic violence, save lives by spotting lower limb injury patterns
Cigna reverses course, expands hospital-based imaging access to pediatric patients
Radiology practices can’t fully prevent cyberattacks, but must be ready when the lights go out
75% of imaging requests fall short of RI-RADS quality standards, new evidence shows
Why two radiologists say a ‘tide of change’ is needed within the specialty
New tool solves ‘urgent medical need’ to help patients with multiple pulmonary nodules
COVID-19 vaccine side effects extend beyond breast exams, now impacting nearly all imaging modalities
Radiomics tool spots colon polyps before they evolve into cancer
ACR ‘greatly pleased’ with the American Medical Association’s new payment policy leader
Managing COVID-19 vaccine side effects: Harvard radiologists share their ‘pragmatic’ approach
East Coast university scores $1.2M grant for cutting-edge biological imaging projects
Politicians who break party lines elicit stronger brain responses, new imaging study reveals
Deep learning detects common shoulder pain on x-rays—a potential safeguard for busy physicians
‘We’re going in the wrong direction’: Race, income, education impeding women’s access to DBT
More than 50% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 retain heart damage a month after discharge
‘Groundbreaking study’: AI helps providers with zero experience capture high-quality heart ultrasounds
FDA-approved PET imaging agent predicts breast cancer patients’ response to new treatment
Radiologists must work to standardize breast calcification reporting or advocates may intervene
How one hospital bolstered incidental lung nodule follow-ups with enhanced reporting, patient tracking
Northwestern radiologists find evidence for long-lasting, ‘bizarre’ COVID-19 muscle pain
Research reveals ‘remarkable gap’ in x-ray interpretation skills between primary care physicians, radiologists
Point-of-care ultrasound company Butterfly Network Inc. makes NYSE debut after finalizing merger
New COVID-19 side effect: MRI links severe infection to dangerous eye problems
5 tips for radiology practices eliminating report embargoes under new info-blocking rules
Radiologists must be ‘cognizant’ of image origin, patient location to diagnose fungi diseases
Mount Sinai launches mobile MRI unit with $3.8M gift, bringing prostate cancer care to Black communities
FDA’s 1st medical device cybersecurity director; new VA chief of imaging, and more radiology moves
Radiologists must ensure these 6 things don’t push them ‘back into relative invisibility’
Radiologic technologist survives COVID-19, returns home after one month in a coma
AI tells radiologists which CTs to read next, slashing wait and turnaround times, but some are skeptical
Most radiologists have the same approach to prostate MRI exams, with a few technical challenges
Hyperfine secures $90M to ‘aggressively’ advance commercial expansion, fast-track AI developments
Decision support drops imaging use for pediatric appendicitis at one health system, but falls short overall
Intermountain radiologists asking women to schedule mammograms around their COVID-19 vaccinations
Trainees are able to estimate the cost of common interventional radiology devices less than 20% of the time
Imaging alliance urges FDA to address ‘troubling’ lack of oversight for third-party servicing groups
HSS is 1st in US to roll out integrated clinical diagnostics in pathology
Geisinger doctors see 13% boost in all-cause mortality predictions with help from new AI tool
Nuclear medicine group discovers payment rate error with PET imaging agent
Radiologists around the world flocked to Twitter to exchange information early in the pandemic
Former imaging informatics researcher facing federal charges after fraudulently obtaining $1.7M grant
Imaging advocate reminds patients and providers to check for metal in masks before MRI exams
Here’s how radiologists should manage COVID-19 vaccine side effects spotted on breast MRI exams
Automated imaging locks in on brain proteins to detect earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease
COVID-19 vaccine update: Radiologists report side effects mimicking breast cancer on mammograms
Remote working must be extended beyond teleradiology to all non-medical imaging personnel
Systemic remedies required for radiology trainees to feel comfortable reporting unprofessional behavior
Ambra Health announces new radiology and informatics podcast series
‘Very exciting development’: Hyperspectral imaging technique roots out hidden stomach cancers
Providers must rethink traditional imaging approaches to prevent cardiotoxicity in cancer patients
Sectra takes home 5 ‘Best in KLAS’ awards in PACS and digital pathology
MRI-guided focused ultrasound destroys prostate cancer tissue with minimal side effects
Despite 43% rise in submissions during COVID-19, top radiology journal received fewer female-led manuscripts
Patient injured during imaging exam can move forward with lawsuit against rad technologist, judge rules
New database of FDA-cleared algorithms helps radiologists quickly navigate complex AI environment