Brain scans of patient who died while on experimental Alzheimer's drug cause experts to question safety

brain scans of woman who died after taking experimental alzheimer's drug

An MRI scan of the patient's brain before receiving the drug shows (left) a few microhemorrhages (dark spots, examples marked by arrows). Scan after receiving the drug (right) shows dozens of microhemorrhages (marked by arrows).PROVIDED ANONYMOUSLY TO SCIENCE.

A neurologist who examined the patient's imaging explained that her brain swelling was so severe in some cases that the folds of the cerebral cortex appeared “merged and squashed.”

Microwave breast imaging: A non-invasive, non-ionizing emerging technology for breast cancer screening

breast cancer screening using microwave breast imaging

Figure 1. SAFE (Scan and Find Early) Microwave Imaging Device for breast cancer early screening and diagnostic: (a) SAFE industrial design, (b) SAFE's patient scanning process. Image courtesy of Academic Radiology.

“This can have a major impact on the younger population, especially for women at high risk of developing breast cancer, like those with genetic mutations, where there is a necessity to start screenings at an early age,” experts explained in Academic Radiology.